10 Months
Our budding engineer with the train he made all by himself out of blocks.
I apologize that I never got around to doing a 9-month update for Eli. November was extremely hectic in our household! So far December has been much calmer...go figure. Eli's newest trick is eating finger food. He loves it so much, that he hardly will eat anything else anymore. I guess he just wants to be like his big brother. He is also becoming much more mobile. He isn't quite crawling, but he is definitely a very proficient creeper. Once he figures out how to get up on all fours, we are done for!
Our Thanksgiving was very nice. Grandpa and Grandma Kramer came from SD to stay for a week. They were very helpful while Spencer & I were so busy getting things ready at church. Auntie Zena, Brett and Ciara also joined us for Thanksgiving.