We're baaaack

Okay, we are back by popular demand! Wow, I haven't updated at all in 2008. I apologize to everyone that has been checking and hoping to see something new. I have about a million excuses, but it mostly comes down to laziness. I am going to try to get back to the updating around the first of the month from now on.
So...what's been happening with the Homans since Christmas? Well the big news is that Will is going to be a big brother in February! Mommy was stricken with the worst case of "morning" sickness for the first four months or so, but I am feeling much better now! It did make for a rough summer though. We did manage to fit in a trip home and to Florida for a wedding.
Will has been in his "big boy" room for about a month now. The transition was very smooth. He's getting so grown up. He is obsessed with trains and sings his ABC's to anyone who will listen.
This was the first year we took him trick or treating. He was a train engineer (of course).
Here are some new pictures.