9 Months!

We can hardly believe it...nine months has gone by so fast yet it seems like Will has been part of the family forever. New tricks: William has added a couple of new words to his vocabulary, such as "duck," "dog," and "bye bye" (along with waving bye bye). He has given up on scooting on his belly. Instead he has devised his own way of getting around--what Spencer calls the barrel roll. He sits up, flings himself down and sort of rolls around until he gets where he wants to be. It might not be the most efficient way to get around, but he manages to get half way across the room when I am preoccupied for a minute or two. Baby proofing time! These pictures are from our most recent excursion to Sears. In case you can't tell, that is a Peyton Manning jersey he is wearing. We couldn't resist. : )