Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Roamin' Homans Summer Tour Pictures IV

Next stop: Plaza, ND. After spending a couple of days in Fargo and then heading back to Aberdeen for Diana's wedding, it was off to the western part of the state where we saw Grandpa & Grandma Johnson, Auntie Emmy, Auntie Brittany, Uncle Jordan and Cousins Kathryn, Hunter and Derrick. There were a few folks we didn't get to see out there, but fortunately Auntie Brittany is getting married in November, so we will see them then.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Home Sweet Home

There's no place like home! After what we like to call "40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness," we are finally settled in our new home in Fairbury, IL. It was quite the summer! Let's see...a baptism, an ordination, two weddings, and oh yeah, being homeless for a month and a half with an infant! We are SO happy to be here, even if it is a little hard to believe that we are not going to be returning to Dubuque and all of our friends there. Change is difficult but we are adjusting slowly but surely. Fortunately Spencer & I are both so happy and grateful to FINALLY be doing what God has called us to do. Spencer is absolutely loving ministry and I am really enjoying taking care of my family full time.
William is growing so fast. The little bugger is teething! He is just the light of our lives, even when he is cranky.
These are pictures of our new home and some highlights of the summer: Spencer's ordination, William's baptism, Josh and Diana's weddings and William being cute of course : )